Raising Chickens and Living Off the Grid: A Comprehensive Guide


Living off the grid offers a unique lifestyle—one that embraces self-sufficiency, sustainability, and a connection to nature. If you’re considering raising chickens as part of your off-grid journey, this blog post will provide essential insights, practical tips, and guidance to help you succeed. I personally highly recommend this as chickens are a fast way to build up a sustainable food source, provides a means to barter with others for essential items or services and supply plentiful nitrogen rich fertilizer that will help your garden grow.

1. Choosing the Right Chickens

Heritage Breeds

  • Opt for dual-purpose breeds known for their resilience and adaptability.
    • Orpington are a great tame choice that will provide eggs and companionship. This breed is extremely easy to raise for beginners.
    • Barred Rock are another great choice as they are very resilient. If you plan on letting your chickens roam free and be closed in a coop at night, this is the perfect choice.
    • Brahma these are another favorite as they grow quite large but are still often friendly. They lay very large eggs, but will require a plentiful source of food.
  • These breeds serve both as egg layers and meat producers, making them ideal for off-grid living.

2. Overwintering Chickens

Cold Weather Considerations

  • Chickens can withstand low temperatures (normally around 10 degrees Fahrenheit) if kept dry and draft-free. For temperatures below that consider a heat lamp or warming plate.
    • We recommend spending the money and buying or building a quality chicken coop. This will save you in the long run as cheaper coops will fall apart or can be destroyed by predators such as raccoons.
  • Seal any gaps in the coop to prevent drafts.
    • Simple spray foam can be your best friend.
    • Ensure a quality roof material to prevent water from dripping.
  • Focus on moisture control to avoid frostbite.
    • After obtaining a quality coop and sealing it, bedding such as grass, hay or woodchips will keep your chickens happy.

3. Feeding and Watering Chickens

Feed and Water Management

  • Choose a balanced feed suitable for your chickens’ needs and the time of year. This is best picked up at a local store to save on shipping costs I buy 50 lbs bags and flock blocks to keep my chickens entertained. Using a gravity feeder will save on the chores of daily feeding.
  • Provide fresh water or use an auto waterer, also if you live in a colder climate consider a heated water container.
  • Allowing your chickens to roam free will greatly reduce the amount of food consumed as they eat insects. This is a tradeoff on the risk posed by predators as we will discuss below.

4. Ethical Harvesting

Harvesting Roosters

  • Understand the ethical aspects of harvesting roosters.
    • Having multiple roosters in your flock can cause fights as well as harm your hens.
  • Learn humane processing techniques.
    • This may be a future article in itself. However, there are many locations that will process your chickens for you at a very low cost. It is best to decide ahead of time if your goal is to have fresh eggs, meat, or both and make a plan for your roosters when they hatch.

5. Predators

One of the most difficult things with raising chickens is how to handle predators. The more freedom you provide your chickens the more risk is involved. Personally, we believe in letting our chickens roam free around our yard and this greatly reduces the amount of food consumed throughout the year. However, this opens them up for a number of predators such as hawks, eagles, raccoons, foxes and coyotes. Here are a few steps that have worked for us:

  • Fenced in enclosures – if you have chickens that are not fully grown it is best to slowly introduce them into the risks that come with freedom.
  • Items that will scare off or discourage predators such as flashing solar lights and motion detector spotlights.
  • Solar timed coop doors: I tried 3 different models before finding this one and over the last year it has worked great.
  • Ensure to fill any holes no matter how small in your coop – Spray foam is one of the best tools for this.
  • A well nourished Rooster will also protect your hens if there is trouble present
  • One other suggestion I have had friends use a single goose that is raised with the chickens. This lone goose will bond with your chickens and act as an alarm and also attempt to fight off predators protecting your flock. I plan to add a goose to my flock this year and will update you all on the results!


Raising chickens off the grid requires resourcefulness, planning, and a commitment to sustainable practices. Embrace the simplicity of life, enjoy fresh eggs, and savor the taste of homegrown chicken—all while living harmoniously with nature.

Remember, off-grid living isn’t just about survival; it’s about thriving in a world where self-reliance and connection to the land are paramount.

Here are some items we recommend based on your plan and budget:

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